January 23rd Sessions

Session #1 – Biblical Sexuality and the Christian Worldview

Session #2 – Biblical Sexuality and the Testimony of God’s Word

Session #3 – Biblical Sexuality and the Testimony of God’s World

Session #4 – Biblical Sexuality and the Body

Session #5 – Biblical Sexuality and Marriage

Session #6 – Biblical Sexuality and the Family

Session #7 – Biblical Sexuality and the Church

January 30th Sessions

Session #8 – Addressing Body/Self Dualism

Session #9 – The Perversion of Power

Session #10 – The Problem of Promiscuity

Session #11 – Porn: An Invisible Drug Epidemic

Session #12 – Homosexuality: An Assault on Human Nature

Session #13 – Transgenderism: A Denial of Human Embodiment

Session #14 – “Why Does He Eat with Sinners?”

Session #15 – “And Such Were Some of You”